We share knowledge about our design & development processes here, and about the tech stacks and tools we use.

Tips & Tricks
Why you need to stop using PDFs for web content
PDF is a popular format that everybody knows, understands and uses. One common mistake is that businesses reuse PDFs they produced for other channels on their web sites, instead of producing proper web content.

I researched all the cloud CRMs so you don’t have to
I wear many hats at Borealis. As the CEO my position has been constantly changing as the company grew. In the past I wrote code, did UI & UX design and managed projects. I ran HR, did marketing and was the social media manager. I assembled furniture, and I carried equipment. You name it. I did it.
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Project development
Presenting our developer seniority guide
It's crazy to think that our company has been around for more than 10 years. I feel like it was yesterday when we started. While I always feel like we are not moving fast as we could, the reality is if I look back on the years we have actually changed and improved so much.
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We gave our website a 2023 makeover
To be 100% honest, our online presentation has always sucked. We have existed for 10 years and we are a company that does web based digital products, yet it took us 4 years to launch a proper website. We did it in 2017, even though we started in 2013.
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Project development
The tools we use to manage our projects
I get a lot of questions from other business owners and freelancers on how do we manage our projects. What tools do we use? How do we use them? How much do they cost? And much more. It’s important to note that for us this is a constantly evolving process. The way business is done in our industry changes extremely fast and we try to keep up with it.
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Project development
Using Invision as the center of your project workflow
Ok, so we know about Invision here at the company for a long time now. We've been using it and have a paid account for years. And we mostly used it the way 90% of people use it.
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Why we stopped using Bootstrap
So I remember around early 2012 when I first discovered Bootstrap. This was a time when I was primarily doing backend work and I didn’t know much about the frontend. Writing anything with CSS was a nightmare for me at the time. Even the most basic things like aligning two items next to each other. I couldn’t wrap my brains around stuff like floats.
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Welcome to the new Borealis web site
Hello everyone, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the new Borealis web site and blog. If you didn’t know this is a big thing for us. Why is that so? Because in 4 years of existence we never had a proper web site! Yup, that’s right, we’re a web site company without a web site of our own. The truth is we never really needed it. We lived off our references and recommendations.
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