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We gave our website a 2023 makeover

To be 100% honest, our online presentation has always sucked. We have existed for 10 years and we are a company that does web based digital products, yet it took us 4 years to launch a proper website. We did it in 2017, even though we started in 2013.
We were very proud of it at the time. We told ourselves now that we have done it, we would keep on improving it. We would write a million blog posts, and we would publish all our newest projects on it as we make them.
We did none of those things. The site launched with a few blog posts and a few projects and stayed exactly the same for the next 6 years.
The truth is, I personally took pride in our approach. Even though our online presentation sucked, we still got lots of enquiries, and lots of companies wanted to work with us. To me that was confirmation that what we did is really good. Even though I know that is not the way, and we should present ourselves as the professionals that we are.
Our company has grown 7 times in revenue and 4 times in amount of people since we launched our first web site. A lot has changed since 2017. We survived a pandemic, I have much more gray hair and AI is taking over the world.
Also that site we were so proud in 2017 – we are pretty much ashamed of it these days, and we think we can do so much better now and feel like it’s really outdated in terms of both the design and how we present ourselves.
That’s why we decided to put on a fresh coat of paint with this new site. I think this time we might stick to the plan and keep it updated. We have learned so much along the way and we have built a vast knowledge base that we keep internally. We plan to share some of that knowledge through this blog. Keep on following it and keep your fingers crossed that our next blog post won’t be in 2029.