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Linde Virtual Academy
Linde Virtual academy helps engineers in the industrial gases industry learn about safety through virtual reality.
About the academy
Linde is a Fortune 500 global industrial gases and engineering company. Engineers in this field are highly skilled and must be prepared for any dangers and hazards that working at big gas plants brings. That’s why the Linde Virtual Academy was created. The academy lets their engineers test and try out safety protocols in a risk-free environment using cutting edge virtual reality technology powered by our friends at Delta Reality.
Borealis has built the web platform powering the academy. It’s an online system where candidates can login, see their available trainings, download them and follow their progress. It works a little bit like Steam. In a sense that it’s also a launcher for your software that keeps it updated.

Meet Oxy
Oxy is the official mascot of the Linde virtual Acadamy and he is the training buddy of every enrolled student.